TDA 2.1: Transitions

1.Transitions refer to

a)Changes children go through from one state or situation to another. For example, by the age of 5, a child will move from nursery to reception class in school
b)Moving from one space to another during exercise that encourage physical development
c)Giving children space and freedom to choose which activities they want to do at any time in the day
d)All of the above

2.Common transitions are

a)Home to nursery
b)Childhood to puberty
c)Moving home
d)Nappy changing to potty changing
e)All of the above except c
f)All of the above except d

3.Unusual transition are

a)Moving home
b)Separated parents
c)Teenage Pregnancy
d)Childhood to puberty
e)None of the above
f)All of the above except d

4.The effects of moving home are

a)Feeling anxious, feeling sad to leave behind friends
b)Loss of appetite and not sleeping
c)Feeling exhausted
d)All of the above
e)All of the above except c

5.What kind of support could be offered to children moving home

a)Encourage child to keep in touch with old friends by phone or e-mail
b)Hope that they will make new friends in there new school
c)Invite child�s old friends to new home.
d)Both a and c

6.The effect of being separated from parents are

a)Feeling anxious, feeling sad to leave behind friends
b)Feeling angry, withdrawal loss of appetite and not sleeping
c)Feeling tired
d)All of the above

7.What kind of support can you offer children whose parents have separated?

a)Allow child to see the other parent often
b)Avoid talking about family life
c)Don't arrange to spend time as a family once a month

8.What further support can be offered to children whose parents have separated?

a)Allow children to play with their friends
b)Arrange counselling
c)Give children something to do at home

9.The effects of pregnancy are

a)Feeling anxious, alone, scared
b)Feeling tired and not sleeping well
c)Fear of the unknown and family
d)All of the above
e)Both a and b

10.What kind of support can be offered to teenagers who are pregnant

a)Visit doctors / clinics
b)Parents talking to child and supporting them
c)Internet advisory lines
d)All of the above
e)None of the above